Does that mean no cars at all?

No. There are some things that require cars e.g. delivery drivers, truck drivers, ambulances, fire trucks, anyone whose job depend on a car, if you live in the country side where things are so far apart. But for the rest of us who only goes back and forth to the office, going to school, etc. we don’t really need a car. Public transport, walkability and good bike infrastructure suits us much better.

Even those who use a car for work, once you get home, you can leave your car at home and use your bicycle to get around to your local shops [1]. This is called multimodal transportation. It’s not like if you have a car, you have to use it everywhere.

When you take more people off the road, you improve the driving conditions for those who really need to drive [2], [3].

For places with vast distances between them, we should rely on public transport e.g. trains, buses.

Even if you do need a car, there is always car sharing programs.

Don’t ban cars for cities, just don’t design cities for cars.


Not Just Bikes, “You Don’t Need to Own a Car (If You Don’t Drive to Work).” May 2021.
“A way to explain to people who like driving cars why accessible public transport is good for socitey : Fuckcars.”
Not Just Bikes, “The Best Country in the World for Drivers.” Nov. 2021.