But can't these conditions happen to cyclists as well?

You can encounter bad cyclists as well. But the difference is that there is a very small chance of you dying if you ever get into an accident. Cars weigh a ton and causing damage is like nothing to them. But try to bend a stop sign using your bicycle and you hardly see a dent.


Cyclists Break Fewer Traffic Laws Than Drivers, Study Finds



In fact, cyclists break laws less than drivers when given a cycle lane.

Safer for cyclists to yield, not stop, at intersections: research


It’s safer for cyclists to yield at intersections due to the stop as yield law.

A “stop as yield” law would allow cyclists to treat stop signs as yield signs, while at red lights, they would only have to pause long enough to ensure it’s safe to cross.

Here’s why bikes don’t have to stop at stop signs in Washington starting Oct. 1 | king5.com


The “Safety Stop” law will make it legal for bikers to roll through an intersection if the coast is clear

Cities implemented this law has seen some benefits:

  • Idaho was the first state to pass the law called it the “Idaho Stop.” Since then, bicycling injuries in Idaho dropped by 14% in 1982 the same year the law went into effect.
  • “The study found that cities with Safety Stop laws had 14.5% fewer bicycle injuries one year after adoption, and 30.4% better overall bicycle safety than similar cities.

The rationale behind this are:

  • Reduced confusion and fewer collisions: People biking who stop at stop signs have said driver confusion about right of way increases the risk of collisions. It also leads drivers to give people biking the right of way improperly, creating awkward delays and additional collision risks. The Safety Stop law reduces this confusion.
  • Reduced exposure to air pollution: Air pollution is generally highest at intersections, and allowing people biking to clear the intersections faster reduces their exposure.
  • Reduced overuse injury: People biking may experience a higher risk of strain and overuse injuries from consistent stopping and re-starting.

Idaho Stop for Cyclists? Drivers Already Do It! - YouTube - Oh The Urbanity!


Here’s a video format of the Idaho Law where cyclists don’t have to stop at intersections. They have less mass, less acceleration and their vehicles don’t obstruct their view.