Cyclists should pay taxes since they use the roads.

This is a myth. The damage done by cyclists are so little compared to cars.


Chart of the Day: Vehicle Weight vs Road Damage Levels |,tenth%20of%20a%20ha'penny

The article itself is very short so there’s not much to quote from. There is a chart in this article where it showed how much damage a bicycle does.

As you can see, damage done by cyclists are so little compared to everything else.

But there is a paragraph that is pretty cool to share to shut up about these types of arguments.

It would take 700 trips by bicycle to equal the damage caused by one Smart Car. It would take 17,059 trips by bike to equal the damage caused by an average car. And it would take 364,520 bike trips to equal the damage caused by just one Hummer H2. !!!!!

So let’s talk about this in terms of taxes. For the sake of argument, let’s say that every 1,000 miles traveled in an average sized car equals $1’s worth of damage to the road that will have to come out of City coffers for repair work. A bicyclist would have to travel over 17 million miles to cause the same $1’s worth of damage. Or another way to look at that, for the $1’s worth of damage that a car does to a road, a bicycle, traveling the same distance on the same road, would perpetrate $0.0005862 worth of damage. That’s about a tenth of a ha’penny.